The 10 Week Change: Reflecting as a Writer

            I entered this expository writing class as a graduating senior who assumed she knew exactly what her writing style was. I was set in my writing ways and was in all honesty, just eager to finish the course so I could move on to the next chapter in my life. In my first assignment on my blog I explained where my passion for reading writing came from and how throughout the course of my life I have developed my own unique style of writing that interwove technical and creative writing into one style.

            It is amazing to think that in just 10 weeks, what I thought was my established style, had actually adapted, changed, and improved through this 10 week course. Our text Performing Prose, I believe improved my creative style of writing. Through the extensive discussion of tropes, imagery, writing style, and schemes, I know apply these writing differently and in my opinion more effectively in my writing now. I think that the Review assignment and Stylistic Analysis assignments were pieces of writing in which I was most able to implement my creative writing style, and as I review them now I can see that I utilized the ideology that was presented in Performing Prose. Through this class I have discovered that the writing style I aim to obtain is a middle style in which I am able to inform my audience, but in an interesting and more complex way. This has always been my goal as someone who has considered themselves a creative and technical writer. Now that I have taken this course, I understand elements that I need to include in my writing in order to achieve this style of writing and make it more effective in the future.

            Our second text Rewriting, greatly helped my technical aspect of writing, especially in the department of revising.  One element of this course that I found extremely useful was the fact that we had to have two drafts of every assignment. This made revising a necessary part of the assignment which is a part that I usually skip. In Rewriting, I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion of taking someone else’s ideas and “forwarding” them into your own.  Author Joseph Harris also showed excellent ways to implement revisions in one’s writing, ideas that I believe I have implemented in all of the revisions of my assignments for this class. It is sad to say that usually in the past, I only read through my work once and then turn in the finished product. But through this course, my perspective on revision has been completely changed from something that I considered optional, to now a very important aspect of my writing process.

            I thought that the course utilizing the blog as the outlet for assignments, communication, and feedback was very effective. At first I was reluctant to embrace this type of activity, but I think that was my fear of being technologically challenged. Once I realized how easy the blog was to manage, I really enjoyed updating, posting, and having access to other student’s blogs as well. It gave the interactive feel that was necessary for the class. For those who wish to become a better, and more effective writer, I would suggest utilizing our second text Rewriting: How to Do Things with Texts, by Joseph Harris. I feel that this text would be easier for people who have not taken this course, but still have the desire to improve their writing skills. It is in my opinion more reader friendly while providing excellent ideas on how to improve one’s style of writing.

            I never expected to have changed as a writer in just 10 weeks. I never expected to appreciate the different types of writing there is in the world, including the world of blogging. But as I sit here, typing my final contribution to this class, I can honestly say that in 10 weeks I have positively changed as a writer through our texts, through our assignments, and through the experience of this class.